A Guide to Skill Gems in Path of Exile

For starters, the beginning of the Path Of Exile can be confusing. For anyone who has played action role-playing games in the past, most of the content written by the developer Grinding Gear Games looks familiar.

For starters, the beginning of the Path Of Exile can be confusing. For anyone who has played action role-playing games in the past, most of the content written by the developer Grinding Gear Games looks familiar. However, the appearance can be deceptive, and it will soon be realized that GGG has made a huge effort to bring a unique experience to the courageous people, who can Buy POE Currency in advance and then try the Path Of Exile.

In addition to the huge passive skill tree, the processing of character skills and abilities is another way for GGG to distinguish PoE from PoE of other ARPG groups. Skills in PoE appear in the form of gems. These gems are put into slots on weapons and armors. Changing skills is as simple as removing gems and replacing them with gems. Just like your character, gems will gain experience and upgrade. Regardless of whether it is used or not, all slotted gems will receive 10% of the experience points the character has gained.

There are two types of gems-active skill gems and auxiliary skill gems. Many story missions will reward you with a variety of gems suitable for your character's level. If you don’t take the training course, you don’t need to worry about missing opportunities; each center has a supplier that sells all the gems you did not choose. In Act 3, you can visit all available gems as a reward, regardless of your What is class. POE Currency can be found in the loot dropped by the killed creatures, and it can also be found by completing special encounters while playing.

The active skill gem is the element that gives the character magical ability. Of course, you can inlay many active skills gems, which can bring you a variety of abilities, but most character construction only uses a few active skills. Among your active skills, only one or two are your main damage initiators, and the rest provide mobility, short-term and continuous gains, the ability to summon minions, and other practical abilities.

The gems that support the skill will occupy the rest of your gem slots. These gems don't do anything by themselves, but when placed in a chain socket, they will give additional effects and enhancements to any active skill gems in the chain. If there are multiple supporting gems in the same chain, only the highest level gem can provide support. Others are ignored.

We have tried our best to explain the basic knowledge of Skill Gems in Exile, revealing too many secrets will take away your adventure. It’s up to you to decide the way forward from here. If you want a better experience, you are welcome to purchase Path of Exile Currency at POECurrency.