BATTLESHIP APOLLO was developed by the same small core

BATTLESHIP APOLLO was developed by the same small core

Cheap Battleship Apollo Currency  BATTLESHIP APOLLO brings the raw sci-fi joy of massive tactical space battles between capital space ships and their support hunters. Players recruit huge battle ships select support hunters and other special skills for each ship and lead them into exciting multiplayer battles. Specifically designed to be repeatable over months and years BATTLESHIP APOLLO simplifies and deepens the traditional RTS experience with simple rules that are easy to learn but difficult to master across multiple multiplayer game modes Held 200 years after the events of Hades' Star the hit MMO launched by the same team at Parallel Space in 2017.

Hades ’Star created a large passionate Battleship Apollo Currency for Sale and positive community that helped develop both games. Both games are being developed and supported in parallel as part of our unified vision for the Hades Galaxy franchise. Like Hades ’Star BATTLESHIP APOLLO was developed by the same small core team of 3 developers. Our passion is simple beautiful sci-fi designs that focus solely on the strengths of the RTS genre: fun units and interesting interactions between them. Our belief in simplicity extends beyond our games and extends to our workplace as well. Hades ’Star and BATTLESHIP APOLLO were created and maintained for the long term without scarcity and with a proactive effort to achieve a healthy work-life balance.