Path of Exile 3.13.1e Patch Brings a Boat Load of Fixes is a website dedicated to POE Trade Currency services, offering the safest POE Currency Trade, Buy POE Currency with cheapest price, 7/24 online service, Fast Delivery!

Path of Exile received a considerable patch this week, and players will be happy to find a patch that fixes many bugs and crashes. Now you can purchase POE Currency Xbox to experience better game content. This patch brings some general improvements, such as missions, monster immunity, reappearing monsters, removal of mana reserves, critical strike corrections, skill damage, and so on. The patch also made some improvements to Mac, PvP and crashes.

Some of the bugs that have been fixed are as follows:
    Certain monsters may not be harmed during the ritual encounter.
    "Do Not Disturb" mode will not display notifications such as domain restarts.
    If the trap or mine supports the sphere skill, the damage will be reflected to the player.
    Items in the silo map may fall into an inaccessible area.

Using a Mac user can expect the following:
    Fixed the following bug: If the skill is assigned to the right mouse button or middle mouse button, it cannot be rotated when using the guided skill.
    Fixed the bug that hidden items could not be imported or exported.
    Fixed a bug that the client window buttons would no longer work after trying to import or export hidden items.
    Fixed a client crash that may occur when resizing the client window.

At the same time, PvP improvements include:
    Searing Light’s attack time now exceeds 3 seconds.
    Fixed a bug where a pre-made Templar character could not be equipped with Firestorm gems.
    Fixed the bug of passive tree where the pre-made Duelist roles were not fully assigned.
    Fixed an error where the pre-made character construction of Duelist was incorrectly named "The Whirlwind Blade" (now Double Strike).

Next time you start the game, the 3.13.1e patch should be automatically downloaded and installed by itself. Some small features have also been added, such as the "Expand/Collapse All" button on the "Hidden Decoration" tab, and now you can add guild micro-transactions to your watch list. If you want a better experience then we recommend you to buy POE Orbs.

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