What is the significance of Elder Scrolls Online players subscribing to ESO Plus?

A valid ESO Plus subscription will also grant players access to all DLC game packs in the Crown Store, currently there are more than 20 available.

A valid ESO Plus subscription will also grant players access to all DLC game packs in the Crown Store, currently there are more than 20 available. Many of these game packs include large-scale expansions to Elder Scrolls Online, including Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, and DLC packs based on the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Some will unlock new areas of the map with new missions and dungeons, offering exclusive loot, including some ESO Gold. Or add new skill lines, such as discovering antiquities in the Greymore chapter of Elder Scrolls Online. In total, the ESO Plus subscription will unlock 20 of Elder Scrolls Online’s 24 DLC packs, including many of the most extensive additional content that developer ZeniMax Online Studios has brought to the game since its launch in 2014.

Players can dye the armor according to their preferences in Elder Scrolls Online, but they cannot dye clothing without an ESO Plus subscription. Clothing is clothing used only for appearance and can cover up any armor that the player has equipped. The clothes you own are stored in the collectibles tab.

There are six types of houses in the game. You can Buy ESO Gold in the Crown Store to buy houses in Elder Scrolls Online. Each type has a different maximum furniture and collectible capacity. These range from up to 15 pieces of traditional furniture in a hotel room to up to 350 pieces in a manor. After subscribing to ESO Plus, the volume of furniture and collectibles in the Elder Scrolls Online house that can be purchased will double, but the maximum number of visitors to the house will not increase. This increase is particularly significant for special furniture and special collections. The manor has the most available space, but still only allows up to five special items. ESO Plus can double to ten.

ESO Plus subscriber experience and ESO Gold acquisition rate, as well as craft inspiration and characteristic research rate increased by 10%. Production inspiration is the experience players gain from production, which allows them to rank in related majors, and ranking allows players to make better equipment in Elder Scrolls Online. Feature research rate refers to the speed at which a given player's character can learn features from the item being researched at the production station, which can be found in different locations around the game map.

Transforming Crystal is a rare ESO Gold in Elder Scrolls Online, which players can obtain by completing experienced dungeons and trials. An account can hold up to 500 conversion crystals, but in ESO Plus, this number will increase to 1,000. By actively subscribing to ESO Plus, the available banking space will also double.

Canceling an ESO Plus subscription will not cause players to lose any progress or new items and equipment they may unlock in ESO during the subscription period, but it will cancel access to all available privileges and any DLC Crown Store not purchased through Crowns. If the capacity of the player’s house doubles, these items will not be removed, but the player will not be able to place more furniture until they are below the maximum limit again. The converted crystal capacity and storage space will be handled in the same way. Players who cancel the ESO Plus subscription but continue to play Elder Scrolls Online can still access their craft pack and all materials stored in it, but they will not be able to store the newly collected materials in the craft pack without a valid subscription.

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