FIFA 22 - Developers want players to play games in a more civilized way

Recently, FIFA 22 game developer EA Sports posted in the gaming community, hoping that players will not directly withdraw from the ongoing FIFA 22 competition due to negative emotions. This move is also mainly to celebrate the founding of the world's oldest football club.

Recently, FIFA 22 game developer EA Sports posted in the gaming community, hoping that players will not directly withdraw from the ongoing FIFA 22 competition due to negative emotions. This move is also mainly to celebrate the founding of the world's oldest football club.

A set of "FOAT Code" appeared in the FIFA community, where FOAT is the abbreviation of First Of All Time. This is a set of unwritten rules, mainly to create a civilized and harmonious game environment. These include requiring players not to quit the game directly because of anger, and players should not suspend the game in the middle of the game.

The code goes on to ask that players "skip thy replay if thy FIFA 22 Coins goal isn't worth a replay" which "they who celebrate every sweaty goal shall be shunned".

While it's a pleasant sentiment, it's extremely unlikely that the FIFA community are visiting abide by these rules, especially considering the communities general distaste for the developer behind the football mega-hit.

In FIFA 22, because of the new-look FUT Champs game mode, the community has seemingly come to a contract to quit games, if they themselves don't have anything else to play for, reciprocally giving their opponents a “free win” which could see them reach the next rank.

Interestingly, this can be technically against EA's terms of service, but it's unlikely that it'll ever be enforced. What has been enforced, however, was EA's recent decision to ban over 30,000 accounts for exploiting a glitch that allowed players to bypass receiving a loss on their account.

Elsewhere, veteran TV presenter Sir. Trevor McDonald will take the reins because the new GamesMaster when the show returns. He takes over Sir. Patrick Moore who had held the role from 1992 until 1998.

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