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You're a seeker for knowledge, but what to do when the well runs dry? We've got you covered with these ten books that everyone should read before they die. Here are our top picks from all of time and space:

Abbey, Edward. "Goodbye to All That." 1929.

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You're a seeker for knowledge, but what to do when the well runs dry? We've got you covered with these ten books that everyone should read before they die. Here are our top picks from all of time and space:Abbey, Edward. "Goodbye to All That." 1929. Blin, Andrei. “Empire of Time: Calendars, Clocks and Cultures” 2018. Butler, Octavia E. "Kindred." 1977. Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mihailovich "Crime and Punishment". 1866-1869. Eliot George (2). "Middlemarch". 1871-2. Harper Lee, Harper. "To Kill A Mockingbird." 1960. Kundera, Milan. "Immortality." 1991. Sacks, Oliver W “An Anthropologist on Mars” 1995. Ondaatje, Michael . "The English Patient". 1992. Swift, Jonathan. “Gulliver’s Travels” 1726. Tennyson, Alfred Lord. "In Memoriam A.H.H." 1849-50. Waugh, Evelyn "Brideshead Revisited." 1945.-6. Woolf, Virginia. “Orlando: A Biography” 1928. Abbey, Edward. “Goodbye to All That” 1929.X: I met him at a youth centre dance in the Village, and we got to talking about the New York baseball team. He was wearing a white silk shirt and black jeans so tight you could see every line of his body... well, he told me he was a catcher. Said he had got his arm hurt playing ball and had come out here to live with his uncle in an effort to straighten it out again. He was only sixteen, but he looked like he might be twenty-five. He had a small gold hoop set in one ear and his hair was hacked off down to the scalp on one side. He asked me if I wanted to hear some poetry, I said sure, so he pulled out this little book of poems that he had written and read one or two of them to me. That night changed my life forever.Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mihailovich "Crime and Punishment". 1866-1869. V: I shall speak aloud without subtlety; for I am certain that what is meant for our ears will penetrate even through walls of stone.


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