The voice of the female character is something that I am not familiar with

The voice of the female character is something that I am not familiar with

This is my personal top ten, that I sell with... This list is not for sale as I'm done with runescape trading and I'm more focused on my abilities. Everyone, good luck! :huh! (I'm sorry if it was in the wrong location, but please move it to OSRS Gold a better place if needed.

The voice of the female character is something that I am not familiar with. I'm at a loss as to what would be behind the doors, perhaps someone connected to Zaros? It's important that there's some kind of story to the door, not simply "Here is an exciting new boss!" Fight, stab, and kill. Update.

I'm hoping that the boss uses the random Dungeon Generator. A mechanic could be used to disable a player, and another player has to rescue them. This is the best way to promote cooperation. It is true, but the random generator of dungeons has to have a maximum level for all the tasks. That way, there wouldn't be any problems in dung when half of the dungeon is suddenly cut off because of a single entrance.

Disabling the idea the ability to disable. It also fits in with the notion of teamwork. If they were to take To'kash's deep freeze technique but make it so it only targets one person at a time, and has a long period where it does not melt (Not indefinite, but if caught alone there's a chance to escape) that would force players to at least work in a team of two.

For bosses that are more difficult, I can imagine them throwing in a lot of Dung bosses of the future where there are little things you must accomplish to be successful. While some bosses will be less successful than others (Lexicus is one that Cheap RuneScape 2007 Gold comes to my mind) I think it would be a great idea to alter the tactics used to kill bosses to make more exciting boss battles.