Polygon Premier Ultralight Kids Bike Review

Polygon Premier Ultralight Kids Bike Review

Polygon Premier Ultralight Kids Bike Review

Polygon Premier Ultralight kids bicycles give astounding quality and execution to their cost. Indeed, in the wake of testing out more than fifty diverse 20 and 24 inch bicycles throughout the long term, we can genuinely say Polygon Premiers are the BEST bicycles  for kids you can purchase under $450.

Regardless of whether you're searching for a spending plan cordial area bicycle or a multi-use bicycle for cleared or essential soil trails, go for the Polygon Premier. Regardless of whether your youngster is a meek rider or a forceful rider, go for the Polygon Premier! Indeed, they are that useful at their cost. The worth you get with a Polygon is essentially unrivaled in the current mid-range children's bicycle market.

Polygon Premier Ultralight Overview


  • RATING: Highly Recommended
  • MSRP: 20 inch: $299; 24 inch: $349
  • BEST FOR: Neighborhood or forceful riders on cleared or gentle soil
  • SEAT HEIGHT: 20 inch: 21.25″ – 27.25″; 24 inch: 25.5″ – 31.5″
  • WEIGHT: 20 inch: 20.75 lb.; 24 inch: 23.1 lb. (w/kickstand, pedals and derailleur confine)

Pinion wheels: 7-speed with Shimano Tourney Grip

  • BRAKES: Dual Hand Brakes
  • Extra SPECS
  • Casing: Aluminum Alloy
  • GAIN RATIO: 20 inch: 2.7 – 5.3; 24 inch: 2.4 – 4.9
  • TIRE SIZE: 20″ x 2.1″, 24″ x 1.75″
  • WHEELBASE: 20 inch: 892mm; 24 inch: 988 mm
  • Geniuses:
  • Spending plan amicable sticker price with free delivery
  • Current illustrations on a lightweight aluminum outline
  • Low least seat stature
  • Simple to set up and all bicycles are quality checked prior to transportation
  • Accompanies derailleur enclosure and kickstand
  • 1.75″ wide off-road Kenda tires
  • CONS:
  • Just accessible in two shading alternatives
  • Shimano Tourney shifter can be difficult to use for certain children

Polygon Kids Bikes Review – Results of our Test Rides

Albeit new to the US, Polygon Bikes have been around for more than 30 years and are very notable abroad. Polygon Bikes is based out of Indonesia and is one of a handful of the bicycle producers that really own their own assembling offices. Subsequently, they can sell industrial facility immediate and offer quality bicycles at a lower value point.

We got a 20 and a 24 inch Polygon Premier Ultralight from BikesOnline.com (the elite merchant of Polygon bicycles in the US – they just sell Polygon) and our 8 and 9-year-old analyzers rapidly and excitedly went to work scrutinizing them.

What sort of rider is the Polygon Premier Ultralight best for?

As a balanced bicycle, the Polygon performs extraordinary as a local bicycle on chiefly cleared surfaces, yet additionally performs similarly just as a multi-use bicycle for off-road riding. With a semi-upstanding position that permits children to sit up for regular rides around the area, or forcefully incline toward hops or steep slopes, the Premier is extremely flexible.

Contrasted with other mid-range bicycles (and surprisingly some very good quality bicycles), the Premier is likewise lovely lightweight, which is a colossal success for a wide range of riders and riding styles.

There are upsides and downsides to utilizing the Polygon for each riding style, however considering its value point, it's an extraordinary competitor contrasted with different bicycles available.

Polygon Premier as a Neighborhood Bike

For around the area, a lightweight bicycle with smooth-moving tires and a semi-upstanding body position is great, yet surely excessive. Like most children's bicycles, the Polygon's tires are multi-use to permit children to ride on a wide assortment of surfaces. Multi-use tires the smartest possible solution as they roll smooth enough on cleared surfaces, yet still have a lot of footing for use on soil.

Here's the manner by which the Polygon thinks about to the 20 inch Priority Start and Guardian Ethos, two of our #1 area bicycles. At the cost, the Polygon is close in weight (or lighter than) the others and furthermore offers more cog wheels.

What size Polygon Kids Bike is best for my kid?

The Polygon Premier Ultralight is right now just offered in 20″ and 24″ wheel measures and is their most reasonable children bicycle model.

Polygon Premier 20: The Polygon 20 inch pulls up a chair tallness scope of 21.25″ – 27.25″, making it ideal for an accomplished rider with something like a 19″ inseam, or another rider with an inseam of 21″.

Our 7-year-old analyzer with a 24″ inseam was an incredible fit on the Polygon 20 inch, yet despite the fact that the seat stature maximizes at 27.25″, he was absolutely on the taller finish of the bicycle. Subsequently, the Polygon 24 inch is possible a superior fit for youngsters with inseams over 24″.

Polygon Premier 24: The Polygon 24 inch sits down tallness scope of 25.5″ – 31.5″, making it a best fit for youngsters with no less than a 23.5″ inseam. Our 9-year-old with a 25″ inseam felt totally at ease on the 24″ Polygon with a lot of room left to develop.

Execution and Ride Quality

We put the Polygon under serious scrutiny around our area on cleared path and fundamental soil ways. On the two kinds of landscape, the Polygon didn't skirt a beat and was a moment hit with our child bicycle analyzers. From moving to slowing down, the Premier gave a first rate execution.

While the addition proportion of the Polygon is quite limited in range (neither one of the bicycles have an extremely high or low stuff), its 7 pinion wheels gave a lot of ability to get up gentle slopes just as effectively power up moving soil ways, bounces, or siphon follows ease.

The Polygon kids bicycles' lightweight edge additionally makes it simple to spring up hops or even rabbit bounce over the breaks in the walkway. For around the area, the Polygon unquestionably isn't lacking for the sake of entertainment.

With 1.75″ Kenda off-road wide tire on both the 20″ and 24″, the tires give sufficient foothold to conservative soil trails without being noisy or harsh on cleared path. We took the Polygon on essential neighborhood trails and our analyzer joyfully rode the Polygon here and there any slope or bounce he could discover with no worries.

The v-brakes furnish a lot of halting force with negligible exertion. Truth be told, during one of our rides, our 9-year-old analyzer wasn't focusing and nearly headed out a short strolling span and into a water channel. Fortunately he got himself without a moment to spare and the brakes halted the bicycle rapidly to which he proclaimed, "These brakes are incredible!"

Bicycle Geometry

With a semi-upstanding body situating, the Polygon Premier offers the ideal arrangement for youngsters who love cruising around the area but at the same time are glad to handle front yard inclines or natively constructed soil bicycle bounces.

Not very upstanding, which is liked by meek or new riders, yet not very forceful, which is liked by truly forceful riders, the Polygon offers a glad in the middle. It's an incredible all-around calculation.

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