If by permanent leagues you mean leaving up this server forever

If by permanent leagues you mean leaving up this server forever

The point isnt that it wasnt boring in the RS gold first place, its that the only reason its fun today is *becauseit was dull in the first location. The slow content before gave meaning and context to the higher pleasure we've had with this one.

Imo, leagues wants osrs to exist, otherwise its significantly less meaningful, and anybody calling for permanent leagues is extremely short sighted and is kidding themselves if they think it wouldnt get boring in a month or two.

If by permanent leagues you mean leaving up this server forever, then yeah that's not a good idea imo. However if they reset the trailblazer league every 3 months until the next league is introduced, I believe that'd be fun.Any game that introduces some enjoyable things that turns you inside a shiny golden god instantly makes the sport seem hilarious and much more pleasurable.

It's fun to see how absurd you can be to break the game. Do things you never thought you could do.

You must be blackpilled pretty bad on OSRS

Dunleagues is enjoyable because the electron trickle is near continuous and its profitable to tryhard. In leagues you can play it AFK by simply taking draining strikes and basically afking every PVM non boss job, or you can tryhard and spec out supervisors together with ornate.

I disagree. Imo TL is simply better designed. The programs they add (map unlocks, relics, no GE) customize account progression enable multiple"optimum" /"meta" trajectories throughout the game.

The most important problem OSRS has is cheap RuneScape gold that it is (efficiently ) a competitive single player game with a rigid worldwide meta and mechanisms for players to exchange USD for greatest in slot gear.