How to Link Phantasy Star Online 2 Steam Account cheapest PSO2 Meseta for sale! Instant & Safe service 24/7 Open. Always cheapest in market. 24-7 customer service. Instant Shipping. Multiple payment options available.

Players that want to PSO2 Meseta continue their advancement on Phantasy Star Online 2 on Steam rather than Xbox or Windows can follow this simple, step-by-step guide. With the western release of Phantasy Star Online 2 on PC in May, many players experienced Sega's fun and unique combination of fantasy and sci-fi for the first time after its first Japanese release in 2012. However, when Phantasy Star Online 2 published on PC, it was exclusive to the Microsoft Store, inducing die-hard Steam players to write the game off and not give it an opportunity, with others lamenting the abundance of bugs and installation problems that plagued the consumer experience.

As of yesterday however, the sport is now available on Steam, complete with a lot of Valve-themed content such as Gordon Freeman's iconic HEV Suit. Players who've sunk tens of thousands of hours into the Microsoft version of Phantasy Star Online 2 but want to change to the Steam version do not need to worry though.

Sega has included a simple to follow method to connect accounts and continue progressing on whatever platform players prefer. The most important part of this process is that players cannot have a character on the new Phantasy Star account they are linking to. After a character is made or a PlayerID is set up on a new platform, players won't be able to link their account afterward. With this in mind, here is how players can connect their Xbox and Microsoft accounts for their brand new Steam account.

For gamers wanting to link their Xbox One or Windows account to the Steam version of the sport, they will first have to open the accounts they began on. From there, select the Support Menu found on the Start Menu, and then select the option allowing for an account link code to be issued. Ultimately, gamers will have to start the Steam version of Phantasy Star Online 2, accessibility their Ship, and input the accounts link code given in the previous step. If followed properly, players should now have the ability to continue playing as their PSO2 character on Steam. This identical procedure could be followed to link the Steam version to the Xbox One or Windows versions of this game also, with players following the same steps as before only starting with Steam.

It's no secret that Phantasy Star Online 2 was plagued with technical problems when it initially launched on PC, leaving several gamers having a bad taste in their mouths. However, it appears that players are enjoying this new variant of the sport, and is possibly setting the stage for can you buy meseta on pso2: New Genesis to be a blockbuster expansion once it releases next year.