Ironic when NH devolved a lot

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Was there ever Animal Crossing Items any talk BEFORE playing the game about appropriate etiquette? EDIT: Someone told me to edit this to devote a judgment. Correct me if I'm doing it wrong.Because OP stated they had a previous agreement, my final judgment would be NTA.Sorry, forgot to mention my daughter and I had an agreement that she could do whatever she wishes to her own house and the distance outside but she wants to ask my husband or I for permission to make massive changes on the remainder of the island.

NTA - Any 9 year old would know thatImpossible to say I started working on it about a month and a half ago and kept in it on and off bit by bit during this time. Still little bits that I am gonna keep working on!

This is really cool! I actually made Aeriths home from FFVII in Animal crossing (the place in the remake, furnishing is still in progress) but want to make my second island Kingdom kisses themed

Ironic when NH devolved a lot. I'd like villagers to say more than 4 lines. More interactivity with them, like quests, games, activities, experiences, taking them on flights to new islands etc.. Imagine using a"game night" and each villager has different propensities for various games plus they have stats which make them good in dexterity games or even thinking games. How about have the stuff I set down be interactive, aka games, activities, etc? Throw parties, challenges, SOMRTHING. Fuck the game is simply SO BLAND. It's just making things fairly and then nothing. Even the villagers suck, the insistent"activities" suck, it is so dull. 50 hours I turned it off and never wanted to play again. Every game had evolved the formula .

So my 60 year-old dad plays Animal Crossing with me personally. Now, he excitedly told me that the villagers were calling him dad. He believes they love him so much, they think of him because their daddy. I really Buy Nook Miles Ticket don't have the guts to tell him that I set up his nickname to"Dad" months back

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