This is the ingenuity of Path of Exile

Path of Exile made its debut in 2013. The Ultimatum was launched on April 16, and it has nearly 40 extensions and updates.

One of the tricks of Path of Exile 2 is that it will be in the same client as the original game. They will all share the same endgame, and the POE Currency you bought from Path of Exile will continue to the sequel because they are all linked to the same account.

Path of Exile feels like a game suitable for local cooperation. You can play with other people online, but not on the same machine. But you can POE Currency Buy to enhance your strength in the game. Now, using Diablo III on the host, you can play with guests in your account. Does the same thing happen in Path of Exile, or is this a problem caused by the nature of the account and the customer?

Wilson said: This must change, this is something we are studying, but local cooperatives are also something we don't want to promise until we can make it work, but of course, it will help this kind of game. It is also very good to support sofa cooperation on the PC, such as the combination of mouse, keyboard and controller. It's just a matter of changing the game and the necessary methods to support it.

Path of Exile made its debut in 2013. The Ultimatum was launched on April 16, and it has nearly 40 extensions and updates. So, compared with new roles, areas, and knowledge, is it more and more difficult to name new skills. The requirements for these new skills are based on their action types?

Wilson said: I think this must have become a problem about five years ago, but it will only get worse. There is a joke that in computer science, there are two problems: caching and naming things. The same is true for game development, once you start to get complicated with names. No wonder Grinding Gear keeps it simple with the name of the sequel: Path of Exile 2. Want to learn more about Path of Exile? Welcome to POECurrency, where you can also buy cheap POE Currency!