The C'Thun players struggle currently in WoW Classic

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On July 28th, WoW Classic additional Ahn'Qiraj (also called AQ40), one of the most legendary raids in vanilla World of Warcraft. Back in the day it was infamous: Only gaining entry to it takes weeks of an entire server grinding resources out in preparation, then hours more grinding to complete the Scepter of Ahn'Qiraj questline. Then there is a 10-hour war in Silithus, and ultimately, after all that, guilds can breach the entrance of AQ. In 2006, it was months before players eventually finished the raid. In WoW Classic, it went a lot faster.

The setup for Ahn'Qiraj is still thrilling. The sand-covered ruins you input through quickly reveal themselves as a veil hiding the true horrors below. Fleshy corridors form a sprawling labyrinth, rooms brimming with ancient worms and bugs. After fighting your way to the finish you confront the captive in the core of the raid, an old god sealed from the ground, on the brink of breaking free. It is a shame that, by today's standards, he's a joke.

The C'Thun players struggle currently in WoW Classic is not the tentacled monster of legend that he once was. The C'Thun we fight has had his fangs filed down, a nerf that dates back into 2006 when guilds taking about the OG C'Thun believed him unkillable. But was he, indeed? Dependent on the skills WoW Classic players have accrued within the past 15 decades, I think we can take this giant eyeball the way he was intended to be fought. I think we could destroy pre-nerf C'Thun, and Blizzard should patch him WoW Classic to give us this chance.

The narrative of C'Thun is a story of frustration. Participants drove themselves against the boss for months to no avail. He took a large amount of damage to shoot down until he enraged and immediately murdered everyone, and the fight demanded pinpoint positioning from all of the raiders. The battle famously had a bug too, which caused ranged tentacles to spawn behind walls directly under gamers, almost guaranteeing full bash wipes. After 80 days with no single clear Blizzard eventually nerfed C'Thun to the floor, and buy classic gold wow he was easily beaten the same moment.

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